Saturday, June 12, 2010

Finally, we're going to sea

It's a magnificent day for sailing, so we thought we might try to do some. We're heading out to sea on a course of 56 degrees (true) and we'll keep going till we get to the reef protecting the lagoon at the bottom of New Caledonia. Our best guess is that Kukka will take six or seven days to get to Noumea.

So exciting!


MikeAlisaEliasEric said...

Bon Voyage you two! Have a wonderful sail! I will be thinking of you while I am doing the nightwatch routine of a new mother - changing nappies instead of reefing sails. Bright moments! Alisa

Pops said...

i had a strange dream about you sailing (well you were actually in a hover craft) to Noumea and then (of course, my dreams don't let me get away without the special guest) a nurse shark bit into the craft, but you were being carried along by the spinnaker, comfortably.
anyway then i woke up
get there safely!